Research and Publications
In her research, Noora (Pinjamaa) Alanne explores the Role of Digital Platforms on the Future of the Media Industry. Below some of Noora’s publications:
Alanne, Noora and Alanne Aki. ” Case Study: Digital Transformation at Aller Media Finland.” WAN-IFRA Report, 2019.
Pinjamaa, Noora. ”Adapting To The Changing Landscape Of Online Media.” Doctoral Dissertation, 2018.
Pinjamaa, Noora. ”Evolution of the Blog Genre: The Emergence of the Corporate Personal Blog.” Scandinavian Conference on Information Systems. Springer International Publishing, 2016.
Pinjamaa, Noora, and Coye Cheshire. ”Blogs in a changing social media environment: perspectives on the future of blogging in Scandinavia.” Twenty-Fourth European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS), Istanbul, Turkey. 2016.
Pinjamaa, Noora, and Aleksandre Asatiani. ”Business Challenges of News Media Companies on Digital Platforms.” Bled conference proceedings. (2016).
Matveinen, J-H, Laakso, T., Martínez, G., Dou, J., Takala, P., Chen, H., Pinjamaa, N. ”University Education in 2035: Paving the Way for a Digital Future”. Bit Bang 8 joint Publication, Digitalization
Flores Ituarte, I., Noorizadeh, A., Töyrylä, P., Daee, P., Matveinen, J-H, Pinjamaa, N. ”The Digital Health Society: Perspectives on Real, Predictive, and Preventive Care” Bit Bang 8 joint Publication, Digitalization
Pinjamaa, N. and Asatiani, A. ”New media business models: How digital-first news media companies reshape the media industry”. IRIS conference proceedings. 2015.
Ammad-Ud-Din, M., Mikkonen, T., Pinjamaa, N., Lehto, S., Ståhlberg, P., Ventura, V. and Zhongliang, R.”How Will Digital Media Impact Education?” Bit Bang 6 joint Publication, Future Of Media
Mökkönen, H., Pinjamaa, N., Rytkönen, E., Wang, S., Islam, H., and Kantola, V.”When Media Companies Move to the Cloud: What Happens to End-users if They Lose Control over Their Personal Data?” Bit Bang 6 joint Publication, Future of Media
Pinjamaa, Noora. ”New Opportunities For Magazines Online: A Study Of The Narrative of A Blog In The Launch Of An Online TV Show” IRIS Conference Proceedings 2014
Please feel free to contact Noora at: noora.e.alanne[at]