I am a mother of two kids, a wife and Growth director at the Finnish Media Federation (Finnmedia) and Executive director at the Media Industry Research Foundation. I was a researcher of media business models and digital transformation at Aalto University and visiting scholar at University of California, Berkeley during 2014-2017. I love spending time in the Finnish nature with my family, dancing, savouring a good cup of coffee and reading books.


I am a strong believer in equality, independent media and democracy and I am definitely a curious researcher at heart. I love to explore the world with my loved ones, which may partially be due to the fact that I have lived almost half of my life abroad. I am a passionate learner who constantly wants to work for a future in which we can raise resilient, media literate kids.

At work I get to promote freedom of speech, Finnish culture and democracy by supporting companies that produce quality Finnish media products and services. At the same I am a mother who believes that family and work are complementary aspects of life. Therefore as a board member at MiB (Mothers in Business) I strive for a Finnish society and working life that promotes the position of mothers and family-friendliness as well as eliminates discriminatory and unequal structures.

Prior experience and academic background

  • Doctor of Science (information systems) from Aalto University School of Business (2018)
  • Visiting scholar at UC Berkeley, School of Information, in Berkeley, California (2014-2017)
  • Researcher at Aalto University School of Business in Helsinki (2013-2017)
  • Executive board member of the IRIS Association (2014-2016)
  • Worked in various positions in media, such as marketing specialist and digital project manager at Bonnier (Finnish office) and Aller Media (2009-2017)
  • Master of Science (information systems) Åbo Akademi (2012)
  • Bachelor of Science in Economics and Business Administration Aalto University (2011)
Noora Pinjamaa

Noora strongly believes in

Respecting the

working life

Improving media

Mediapodi -podcast - discussions about the future of media (5 episodes in Finnish, 1 in English).

Mediapodi -podcast - discussions about the future of media (5 episodes in Finnish, 1 in English).

How will artificial intelligence affect the media industry? What kind of content will we consume in the future? What are the competence needs of the media industry in 2035? How resilient are media companies? What kind of data is valuable? And where will the competitiveness of the media industry come from in the future? The series also reflects on why no one should intentionally remain in a news blackout. What is the task of journalism today and what value does it create for an individual? What is the importance of responsible media for democracy?

Tekoälysaaste ja informaatiovaikuttaminen uhkaavat demokratiaa (blog post in Finnish)

Tekoälysaaste ja informaatiovaikuttaminen uhkaavat demokratiaa (blog post in Finnish)

Media-alan tulevaisuusselvityksen neljä eri skenaariota kuvaavat vaihtoehtoisia ja mahdollisia tulevaisuuden maailmoja ja toimintaympäristön muutoksia vuoteen 2035. Hankkeessa luodut skenaariot eivät ole ennusteita, eikä yksikään skenaarioista välttämättä toteudu sellaisenaan. Riippumatta siitä, mitkä skenaarioiden piirteet lopulta toteutuvat tulevaisuudessa, kaikissa korostuu tarve panostaa mediakasvatukseen sekä luotettavaan ja riippumattomaan journalistiseen mediaan.

MTV valtavissa talousongelmissa – Loppuvatko tv-uutiset? (28.7.2023)

MTV valtavissa talousongelmissa – Loppuvatko tv-uutiset? (28.7.2023)

Noora was interviewed by Iltalehti about her thoughts on MTV's financial challenges.

Tekoälyä arkijärjellä (2018)

Tekoälyä arkijärjellä (2018)

In this video, expert guests talk about media and artificial intelligence at Huomenta Suomi -show called "Tekoälyä arkijärjellä" on MTV. In the talk show, Noora Alanne and Antto Vihma discuss AI and the current state of media as well as Vihma's and his colleagues new book called "Totuuden jälkeen – Miten media selviää algoritmien ja paskapuheen aikana".

Vastaväittäjä Noora Alanne: Mobiiliin on vielä varaa panostaa (Markkinointi & Mainonta 16.11.2018)

Vastaväittäjä Noora Alanne: Mobiiliin on vielä varaa panostaa (Markkinointi & Mainonta 16.11.2018)

This is an interview-based article written in Finnish in Markkinointi & Mainonta. The article consists of 5 claims to which Noora Alanne responds to. For example: Väite 1 Mediayhtiöt uudistuvat liian hitaasti Suomessa. ”Muutos voi tuntua hitaalta, koska näkyvä lopputuote muuttuu hitaimmin. Taustalla on pitkä prosessi, joka alkaa työkulttuurin ja systeemien muutoksesta. Järjestelmät ovat muillakin aloilla haaste, jota kovin moni ei pysty ratkaisemaan mediaa nopeammin. Etulyöntiasema on mediayrityksillä, jotka ovat syntyneet digiaikana ja tehneet sisältöjä suoraan verkkoon. Perinteisillä taloilla on historiaa ja eri systeemejä, jotka täytyy sovittaa yhteen ja muokata."

Haastattelu jutussa: Viisi megatrendiä, joita on syytä seurata – ”Muokkaavat sanomalehdistöä rajusti”

Haastattelu jutussa: Viisi megatrendiä, joita on syytä seurata – ”Muokkaavat sanomalehdistöä rajusti”

Suomen Lehdistön jutussa media-alan megatrendeistä on haastateltu useampaa asiantuntijaa, mukaanlukien Noora (Pinjamaa) Alanne. "Mediatalojen kannattaa seurata tarkkaan viittä teknologiatrendiä, jotka mullistavat alaa lähivuosina. Edelläkävijät kertovat, mitä hyötyä uusista välineistä on. Juttu on julkaistu Suomen Lehdistössä 5/2018."

Medialiiton toimialastrategiatyö - Media 2030

Medialiiton toimialastrategiatyö - Media 2030

Tulevaisuuden ennakointi, liiketoiminnan kasvun kannalta tärkeiden kysymysten määrittely ja toimeenpanon edellytykset ovat strategisen työn ytimessä. Noora Alanne pääsi Medialiitossa vetämään hankkeen, joka kartoitti median nykytilan ja tulevaisuuden näkymät aina vuoteen 2030 asti. Työn toteutuksesta vastasi Mindmill Network Oy.

Noora Alanne: Toimialan murros edellyttää jatkossakin tukea innovaatioille

Noora Alanne: Toimialan murros edellyttää jatkossakin tukea innovaatioille

In this blog post, Noora (Pinjamaa) Alanne describes the importance of funding innovation in media. The blog post is in Finnish. "Media-alan muutoksen ja kasvun tukeminen edellyttää monipuolista panostusta kehitys- ja innovaatiotyöhön, koulutukseen sekä osaamiseen. Lisäksi tarvitaan mediaan liittyvien tarpeiden ymmärtämistä."

Journalismin päivä 2018 - paneelikeskustelu ja media 2030 -toimialastrategiatyö

Journalismin päivä 2018 - paneelikeskustelu ja media 2030 -toimialastrategiatyö

Noora (Pinjamaa) Alanne pääsi mukaan paneelikeskusteluun Facebookin ja Googlen edustajien kanssa pohtimaan median tulevaisuutta. Long Playn päätoimittaja moderoi mielenkiintoisen keskustelun, jonka otsikko oli "WHOSE MONEY, WHOSE DATA – FUTURE MEDIA HORIZONS".

Ping Helsinki Festival 2018 - trustonomics masterclass, moderated by Noora (Pinjamaa) Alanne

Ping Helsinki Festival 2018 - trustonomics masterclass, moderated by Noora (Pinjamaa) Alanne

Trustonomics – The currency that will determine whether we survive and thrive or fail and die. This session was moderated by Noora Alanne.

Speaker at WAN-IFRA study tour in Helsinki

Speaker at WAN-IFRA study tour in Helsinki

Noora (Pinjamaa) Alanne was one of the speakers at a WAN-IFRA study tour in Helsinki in 2018. WAN-IFRA selected the best business cases and invited industry leaders for individual and personalized meetings. Alanne's presentation was about the future of media. The tour included the opportunity to meet Helsinki's media and technological forefront around a series of personalized interviews. The four days opened new horizons, allowed identifying new potentials and extended professional networks of French newspaper directors.

Boardview -magazine (mostly in Finnish) on the topic: Board of Directors and Business Models

Boardview -magazine (mostly in Finnish) on the topic: Board of Directors and Business Models

This magazine includes articles by Kaarina Ståhlberg and Mikko Reinikainen, Tuomo Salonen, Jorma Eloranta, Risto Siilasmaa, Krista Elo-Pärssinen, Anne Korkiakoski, Susanna Miekkoja and Mikael Niskala, Mirva Antila and Timo Koskinen, Piia-Noora Kauppi, Liisa Kivelä, Mika Sutinen and Jukka Oksaharju as well as Noora (Pinjamaa) Alanne on the media industry.

Mega trends that will shape the media industry within 5 years (in Finnish)

Mega trends that will shape the media industry within 5 years (in Finnish)

This is an interview posted on Ping Helsinki's website regarding the mega trends that are shaping the media industry. The interview was originally made for the website of the seminar 'Mediapäivä'.

Mediat muutoksen kourissa

Mediat muutoksen kourissa

This article on the disruption of the media industry interviewed Noora Alanne and used her PhD dissertation as one of the sources.

Dinglecast: has BuzzFeed killed good journalism?

Dinglecast: has BuzzFeed killed good journalism?

Listen to Noora (Pinjamaa) Alanne discussing about the future of media on Dingle's podcast in 2015.

Digital Finland -book project

Digital Finland -book project

Digitaalinen Suomi is a two-part, joint publication in which various specialists discuss the past and future of a digital Finland. Noora (Pinjamaa) Alanne coordinated the project and has authored an article on social media, which will be available during spring 2017. The book is one of the projects of Finland's centenary celebration.

Research: When Media Companies Move to the Cloud

Research: When Media Companies Move to the Cloud

When Media Companies Move to the Cloud: What Happens to End-users if They Lose Control over Their Personal Data?

Media Future Makers

Media Future Makers

A news media project in co-operation with Marjaana Toiminen. The project was a perfect fit with Noora Alanne's research, in which she explores the Role of Digital Platforms and social media on the Future of the Media Industry.

Ruby the puppy

Ruby the puppy

Ruby is the name of the adorable family dog. Ruby's a Coton de Toulear.

Research: How Will Digital Media Impact Education?

Research: How Will Digital Media Impact Education?

This research study predicts the role of digital media in the future of education. How will digital media impact education?

Standup Paddling in Espoo

Standup Paddling in Espoo

An afternoon SUP trip organized by Twenty Knots around the beautiful islands of Suvisaaristo in Espoo.

Social media 2.0 (in Finnish)

Social media 2.0 (in Finnish)

How is social media consumption evolving in Finland? How will Finnish companies adapt to social media? These and several other issues are discussed in this article published in the book Suomi Digi.

Snorkeling in Thailand

Snorkeling in Thailand

Exploring the islands of Koh Chang and Koh Mak in Thailand in 2015.

Find Noora (Pinjamaa) Alanne's academic publications

Find Noora (Pinjamaa) Alanne's academic publications

Talking about the future of media

Talking about the future of media

Noora (Pinjamaa) Alanne was a panelist at the Finnish social democratic party's seminar on the digital revolution and the future of media.

ECIS 2016 conference presenting my blog research

ECIS 2016 conference presenting my blog research

In June 2016, Noora (Pinjamaa) Alanne presented her research paper on the future of blogging in Scandinavia, done in collaboration with professor Coye Cheshire from UC Berkeley, School of Information.

Bit Bang joint publication: Digitalization

Bit Bang joint publication: Digitalization

This book includes two chapters in which Noora is one of the co-authors.

Research and Publications

In her research, Noora (Pinjamaa) Alanne explores the Role of Digital Platforms on the Future of the Media Industry. Below some of Noora’s publications:

Alanne, Noora and Alanne Aki. “ Case Study: Digital Transformation at Aller Media Finland.” WAN-IFRA Report, 2019.

Pinjamaa, Noora. “Adapting To The Changing Landscape Of Online Media.” Doctoral Dissertation, 2018.

Pinjamaa, Noora. “Evolution of the Blog Genre: The Emergence of the Corporate Personal Blog.” Scandinavian Conference on Information Systems. Springer International Publishing, 2016.

Pinjamaa, Noora, and Coye Cheshire. “Blogs in a changing social media environment: perspectives on the future of blogging in Scandinavia.” Twenty-Fourth European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS), Istanbul, Turkey. 2016.

Pinjamaa, Noora, and Aleksandre Asatiani. “Business Challenges of News Media Companies on Digital Platforms.” Bled conference proceedings. (2016).

Matveinen, J-H, Laakso, T., Martínez, G., Dou, J., Takala, P., Chen, H., Pinjamaa, N. “University Education in 2035: Paving the Way for a Digital Future”. Bit Bang 8 joint Publication, Digitalization

Flores Ituarte, I., Noorizadeh, A., Töyrylä, P., Daee, P., Matveinen, J-H, Pinjamaa, N. The Digital Health Society: Perspectives on Real, Predictive, and Preventive Care” Bit Bang 8 joint Publication, Digitalization

Pinjamaa, N. and Asatiani, A. “New media business models: How digital-first news media companies reshape the media industry”. IRIS conference proceedings. 2015.

Ammad-Ud-Din, M., Mikkonen, T., Pinjamaa, N., Lehto, S., Ståhlberg, P., Ventura, V. and Zhongliang, R.“How Will Digital Media Impact Education?” Bit Bang 6 joint Publication, Future Of Media

Mökkönen, H., Pinjamaa, N., Rytkönen, E., Wang, S., Islam, H., and Kantola, V.“When Media Companies Move to the Cloud: What Happens to End-users if They Lose Control over Their Personal Data?” Bit Bang 6 joint Publication, Future of Media

Pinjamaa, Noora. “New Opportunities For Magazines Online: A Study Of The Narrative of A Blog In The Launch Of An Online TV Show” IRIS Conference Proceedings 2014

Please feel free to contact Noora at: noora.e.alanne[at]gmail.com

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